My Top 5 Favorite Locations for Family Photography in Shreveport Bossier | by Candace Chaney

July 26, 2024


One of my most frequently asked questions for family photography in Shreveport-Bossier is where the session should take place.  So here it is- my top five favorite locations in the Northwest Louisiana area for making memories, having fun, and enjoying the beauty of family life:  

5.  Red River Wildlife Refuge 

The RRWR is a beautiful spot off of the Arthur Teague Parkway in Bossier.  It is expansive with lots of trails, but for family sessions I usually stick to the areas surrounding the visitor center and the levee.  It can get crowded at peak family photography season, but in general this is fairly easy to work around.  The zinnias bloom in the summer and the goldenrod is beautiful in the fall.   


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4. Downtown Shreveport 

Options abound in downtown Shreveport!  Everything from colorful murals to more neutral structural backdrops invite great compositions for stellar photos. Ending at the riverfront with the massive red rocked water feature is a favorite.   


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3. The Duck Pond 

If you have kids and want a good mix of candid and posed photos, the Duck Pond on East Kings Hwy is the place!  The colors are gorgeous in the fall and the still water makes for a great backdrop.  Plus, so much nature!  Gotta love spotting the pond rats... I mean nutria.  :) 


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2.  Betty Virginia Park 

Betty Virginia is wildly underrated in my estimation.  Maybe because of its familiarity.  If you're from Shreveport, you know BVP so well that you don't always see how beautiful it can be, but there are a plethora of benches and stones and hills and grassy areas that make it ideal for family sessions.  The stone bridge is a favorite and photographs really well as do the iron benches.  In the spring, the azaleas are aplenty and in the fall, the trees really POP OFF.  It's my second favorite in all of Shreveport-Bossier.  


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1.  Your home 

My tip top favorite is catching families in their most natural environment at their most relaxed.  This happens most often this happens at home.  No, it does not have to be perfect.  In fact, it's better if it's not.  The beauty of your life is not in perfection, but in the love that happens in the midst of a sometimes swirling mess.  I feel so honored when I'm invited into these sacred spaces.   


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One thing's for sure - wherever we are, we'll be all there.  Present, having fun, playful with a common goal of preserving this fleeting moment in time.  


Book a session online or contact me today for more information on the type of sessions I offer!  Let's bring your moments to light.   










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